Monday, 25 August 2008

Printable Purse favor box

I made a purse favor box today it took a lot of fiddling to make the template work but it works finally its only small but big enough for some jewellery, sweets or something similar sorry for the bad photo but my camera hates taking evening pictures.



Sarah (Debbie) said...

Love your wee box and other printables. you have a beautiful site. congrats on your wedding. angel blessings from scotland xxx

shopgirl said...

Hello! I just discovered your site via google. I was searching for some ballet scrapbooking kits and I came across your super cute printables. I would love to download the printable toppers (both versions), mini bag and larger size ballerina bags, bu the links have already expired. I have two little ballerinas in my family and I would love to be able to give out these little bags to her dancemates. Would you be able to respost the links or send them to me at Btw, I know I'm a year late for your wedding, but Congratulations on your first year of marriage!!